Old News
- 2009-12-28
Knut Syvertsen contributed a scanned copy of
INMC NEWS 80 Issue: 2.
- 2009-11-27
Knut Syvertsen responded to our call and contributed the
NASBUG T4 and HOBBIT V2 manuals.
- 2009-11-25
There's a new version of Virtual Nascom (non-Windows).
This one works much better and now also support Mac OS X.
- 2009-11-21
Roger Scott contributed the documentation for D-DOS by D R Hunt
which was written to provide a simple disk operating system for
Nascom 1 & 2s using the Henelec disk operating system via the PIO
- 2009-08-15
Lex Landa typed in "Nimbot" and "Anti-Grav Flier". (Tested working
great in Virtual Nascom).
- 2009-06-26
Lex Landa typed in "The Invaders".
- 2008-06-06
Terry Carter contributed the manual
for his 1981 Z80 relocator.
- 2008-04-16
Mike Fox finds errors in the document "Machine Code Programming for
the N1 & N2. Fixed! Also, offers an article from Practical Computer
(Nov 1981) on TRS-80 to Nascom conversion.
- 2008-04-15
All German Nascom magazines are online now thanks to Jürgen Loh: http://tupel.jloh.de/nascom/.
- 2008-04-12
Wal Haywood pointed out that we misnamed his Serpent game. Fixed!
- 2008-02-03 - 2008-02-19
Dennis Wray contributed an item from our wishlist, the Nascom 2k
Tiny Basic including the assembler source! Find it under Programing
Languages below. Dennis also noted and fixed two errors in the
Nasbug T2 image. All copies have been updated.
- 2007-09-24 Old news actually, but we have two mirrors up:
http://numba-tu.com/nascomhomepage.com (refreshed weekly), and
http://nascom.123.free.fr (manually updated and currently slightly behind).
- 2007-05-15
James Jacobs scanned in 3 C&VG type-ins games for Nascom-2
(Missing pages are full-page advertisements):
"The Invaders" (
"Nimbot" (
5), and
"Anti Grav Flier" (
Subsequently, Lex Landa was kind enough to type these in.
- 2006-09-08
Jean-Claude Pesce sends us the "Nascom Basic Book I" and the booklet
"Nascom programs & information" from the Mersyside Nascom User Group.
- 2005-05-29
Thanks to Marcus Caesar, I've got my first Nascom 1 back after 20 years.
With that package, several lost documents are back. First restored manuals
are the Gener-80 assembler manual and the kenilworth case manual. More to
Last modified: Sat Jun 25 12:06:59 PDT 2011